Teaching pendulum experimental in Persian

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Naslov Teaching pendulum experimental in Persian
Opis This is how I teach pendulum experiment to my students these days during my virtual classes. This power point presentation is in Persian. I will translate to English as soon as it was possible for me.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo Osnovni studij - Napredno, Osnovni studij - Uvod
Tip Demonstracija, Lab, Remote Learning
Trajanje 120 minuta
Uključen odgovor Da
Jezik Persijski
Ključne riječi Persian, gravity measuring, pendulum, teaching
Simulacije Matematičko klatno (HTML5), Klatno

Autori: Fatemeh Shahsavari
Škola / Organizacija Meybod university (Iran)
Poslato 2/19/21
Obnovljeno 2/19/21