Online Assignment 4 Ms & Ss

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标题 Online Assignment 4 Ms & Ss
描述 A flexible, browser-based learning experience for students in HS and College physics. Overall, this learning experience provides students with cooperative missions which will help them develop real-world reasoning skills. These four "Masses and Springs" assignments can be used as stand-alones, or all four assignments can be completed in natural succession. The large file represents a complete, browser based assignment version which can be downloaded to a disk and then installed on an internet-less computer. The offline assignment works best with Mozilla; MSIE requires a student to re-save each offline simulation before running it. [NOTE] In the offline version, the instructions and questions which comprise each assignment are presented in a continuous loop. None of the interactive features directly allow students to stop the auto-cycling feature within any one assignment. My intent was to encourage students to "load" each question or instruction into their minds... because in the real world, sometimes it's not easy to re-read the instructions over and over. A creative solution to the cycling issue comes in the form of hitting the "PrtScn" button, then pasting that captured image into an MS Paint, or similar program's, editing window. In the online version, students can switch between instructions. I'll probably change the offline version to match the online version... [/NOTE]
科目 物理学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 实验室, 家庭作业, 概念性问题
语言 英语
关键词 Browser based, Energy Skate Park, Equilibrium, Extrapolation, Group Project, Masses and Springs, Online, PhET, Potential Energy, Spring Constant
仿真程序 重物和弹簧

作者 Ed Johnsen
学校/组织 Colorado State Universities
提交日期 09-7-6
更新日期 09-7-13