Determining Speed and Intensity of Light during Refraction

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Titel Determining Speed and Intensity of Light during Refraction
Beschrijving This activity allows students to collect data and see what happens to the speed of light and the light intensity as it passes through different media.
Onderwerp Fysica
Niveau Hoger secundair onderwijs
Type Geleide Activiteit, Huiswerk, Labo
Duur 30 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Neen
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden Speed of light; light intensity; refraction
Simulatie(s) Lichtbreking (HTML5), Breking en terugkaatsing van licht

Auteur(s) Simon Lees
School St Hildas
Datum waarop ingediend 2-3-17
Datum waarop aangepast 2-3-17