Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based) Een gouden ster duidt op activiteiten van hoge kwaliteit gesteund op onderzoek die de PhET ontwerp gidslijnen volgen.

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Titel Ramp Activity 1: Using free body diagrams for motion on an incline (Inquiry Based)
Beschrijving There was simulation called “The Ramp”, but our research showed that it had too many learning goals. The first tab of the sim is simplified and energy parts of the sim have been deleted as well. There are plans to design and produce an “Energy and Work” simulation. The old version of the sim is still available until the new sim is produced. These lessons work with either version.
Onderwerp Fysica
Niveau Hoger secundair onderwijs, Undergrad - Intro
Type Labo
Duur 60 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Neen
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden Vectors, friction, graph, incline, math, motion, phet activity
Simulatie(s) Ramp: Forces and Motion

Auteur(s) Trish Loeblein
School PhET CU Boulder
Datum waarop ingediend 4-5-06
Datum waarop aangepast 17-8-16