Harmonic oscillator

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Titre Harmonic oscillator
Description The activity is designed to test the understanding of harmonic oscillation. The activity is best performed in class, but can be given as homework in distance learning. The teacher guides the students in solving the first two problems, while the third is designed for independent solving. The use of measurement error calculation is optimal. This exercise covers curricular activities in the field of Harmonic oscillation in Croatia (3rd grade of high school)
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée
Type Activité guidée, Apprentissage à distance, Devoirs, Labo
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Harmonic oscillation, Oscilator
Simulation(s) Masses et Ressorts (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Marko Vargović
Ecole / Organisation Highschool Fran Galović, Koprivnica, Croatia
Date de soumission 11/12/20
Date de mise à jour 11/12/20