Vector Addition Experiment

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Titre Vector Addition Experiment
Description At the end of this experiment, students are expected to be able to differentiate between scalar and vector quantities, as well as recognize and identify various examples of both types. In addtion, they should be able to carry out vector addition using the two main methods (graphically and analytically).
Sujet Physique
Niveau Premier cycle - Intro
Type Labo
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Addition, Analiyically, Componant, Direction, Graph, Graphically, Magnitude, Scalar, Vector
Simulation(s) Addition de vecteur  (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Aisha Alowais
Ecole / Organisation University of Sharjah
Date de soumission 20/11/20
Date de mise à jour 20/11/20