Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 1. Kinematics

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Titre Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 1. Kinematics
Description Part of a series of 12 bilingual (English/Chinese) guided discovery activities for first-year university physics (native Chinese speakers). GD-1 Kinematics guides students as they observe motion, graph motion, and then derive equations to describe 1D and 2D motion. During the activity, students learn to associate the English terms with the Chinese terms. Guided discovery worksheets along with HTML webpages with links to simulations and PDF file are also viewable at Answer sheets are available to teachers from the author. Development supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education (ROC)
Sujet Physique
Niveau Premier cycle - Intro
Type Activité guidée, Labo
Durée 120 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés 1D Motion, Bilingual(Chinese/English), Guided Discovery, Projectile Motion, Rotational Motion
Simulation(s) Coccinelle en mouvement 2D, Jeu de dédales, L'homme en mouvement, Mouvement d'un projectile (HTML5), La révolution de la coccinelle

Auteur(s) Charity Grace White(白愛恩),Janet Chen(陳衫豫),Jonathon David White(白小明)
Ecole / Organisation Yuan Ze University
Date de soumission 23/10/20
Date de mise à jour 16/11/20