CD's, DVD's & Optical Commmunication: Binary Coding and Diffraction Errors

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Titre CD's, DVD's & Optical Commmunication: Binary Coding and Diffraction Errors
Description This in-class work (ICW) is used in a university non-math "How Things Work" course (replacing the lecture). It is designed to accompany section 15.2 in Bloomfield's text (3rd ed). It uses the "Wave Interference" simulation, but the first half of the activity covers binary numbers and information coding in Cd's/DVD's (adapted from the "Computer Science Unplugged" program at the University of Canterbury. New Zealand). Contact me for solutions. (Note, you may want to change page 2 where I ask students to determine my baby's due date and my birthday.... it was good motivation for them that day!)
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Autre, Labo
Durée 90 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés binary numbers, diffraction, optical communication
Simulation(s) Ondes et intérférences

Auteur(s) Debra Krause Dandaneau
Ecole / Organisation University of Tennessee
Date de soumission 17/04/09
Date de mise à jour 17/04/09