Discovering Newton's Second Law

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Titre Discovering Newton's Second Law
Description Students seem to have problems relating forces and acceleration, because they don't know how big a Newton is, or a kilogram for that matter. This exercise has them relate forces to acceleration so they can find mass (algebraically). It helps them to see that Net Force and Acceleration are related through the mass, regardless of friction or other factors.
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée
Type Labo
Durée 30 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Proportionality
Simulation(s) Tais toi et pousse ! Observation d'un mouvement rectiligne

Auteur(s) Don Cameron, edited by Craig Tilley (Feb 19, 2014)
Ecole / Organisation University of Denver High School
Date de soumission 15/10/06
Date de mise à jour 20/02/14