Mr. (Moving Man)

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Otsikko Mr. (Moving Man)
Kuvaus Students will view and graph the motion described in the directions onto three graphs (position, velocity and acceleration graphs). Purpose/Objective: Student will be able to identify and describe motion on a position, velocity or acceleration graph. This can be done as a teacher guided demonstration for the class or students can work on this as an individual or small team assignment.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Lukio
Tyyppi Laboratoriokoe
Kesto 60 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Ei
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Motion Velocity Distance Acceleration Graph
Simulaatiot Liikkuva ihminen

Tekijät Gary Richert
Koulu / organisaatio CUSD#10
Lähetetty 19.1.2010
Päivitetty 18.7.2010