Exploring parallel and perpendicular lines Una estrella de oro indica alta calidad, basadas en investigaciones que siguen las directrices de diseño PhET.

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Título Exploring parallel and perpendicular lines
Descripción This activity is intended for an algebra 1 class to make connections between slope and parallel/perpendicular lines. By the end of the activity, the students should be able to identify which lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither based on the equations in either point-slope form or slope-intercept form. There are four files: Worksheet: This is the worksheet the students fill out during the activity. Lesson Outline: This is a description of the lesson for the teacher. Exit Ticket: This is an exit ticket to be completed at the end of class. Challenge Questions: This is a sheet with extra, more challenging questions for students who work through the activity quickly.
Asignatura Matemáticas
Nivel Escuela media, Escuela secundaria
Tipo Actividad Guiada, Lab
Duración 60 minutos
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave (etiquetas) parallel, perpendicular
Simulación(es) Graficando Líneas (HTML5)

Autor(es) David Schenck
Colegio / Organización Boulder High School
Fecha de envío 05/06/19
Fecha de actualizado 05/06/19