Direct Instructions for PhET Balancing Equations

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Título Direct Instructions for PhET Balancing Equations
Descripción Leads students directly through the simulation so they have a target and don't just play with the numbers. Bottom page is the answers, repeated for handouts. I try not to put these solutions online at first, because they're so easy to copy. I give out these little answer slips to kids who have been actually trying and are done.
Asignatura Química
Nivel Educación secundaria
Tipo Actividad guiada, Aprendizaje en línea, Tarea
Duración 60 minutos
Respuestas incluidas
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave Balancing, Equations, Reactions
Simulacion(es) Balanceo de Ecuaciones Químicas (HTML5)

Autor(es) Dave Swaney
Colegio / Organización Silver Valley USD
Enviado 31/08/22
Actualizado 31/08/22