Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity
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Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity |
This lab is designed for students working remotely. There is a video using Electric Field hockey because at this time, the simulation is still in Java form. I have included clicker questions from Electric field hockey, but I did not put them in the student lab. The learning goals are: Students will be able to
Determine the variables that affect how charged bodies interact
Predict how charged bodies will interact
Describe the strength and direction of the electric field around a charged body.
Use free-body diagrams and vector addition to help explain the interactions.
Compare electric fields to gravitational fields. |
Fizică |
Licențiat - Intro, Liceu |
Laborator, Învățare la distanță |
Răspunsuri incluse
Nu |
Engleză |
Cuvinte cheie
charge, electric field, electrostatics |
Baloanele si Electricitatea Statică (HTML5), Sarcini și câmpuri electrice (HTML5), Hockey Electric |
Trish Loeblein |
Școală / Organizație
PhET |
Data transmiterii
23.04.2020 |
Data actualizării
24.04.2020 |