Equation Grapher: Sketching Linear and Parabolic Graphs (Inquiry Based) O steluță de aur indică activități de înaltă calitate, bazate pe investigație, care respectă orientările de proiectare PhET.

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Titlul Equation Grapher: Sketching Linear and Parabolic Graphs (Inquiry Based)
Descriere This is a set of two inquiry based activities to help students with sketching graphs. Learning Goals for the first lesson: Students will be able to: Sketch how the graph of a line changes as b and c vary (y=bx + c) Predict how a line graph will look given an equation in other forms. Learning Goals for the second lesson: Students will be able to: Sketch how a parabola changes as a, b, and c vary (y=ax2 + bx + c). Predict how a parabolic graph will look given equations in other forms.
Disciplina Matematică
Nivel Liceu
Tip Laborator
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Graphing, coeffcient, equation, line, math, parabola, phet activity
Simulare(i) Equation Grapher

Autor(i) Trish Loeblein
Școală / Organizație PhET CU Boulder
Data transmiterii 18.01.2007
Data actualizării 07.07.2013