Bunny Population Growth

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Título Bunny Population Growth
Descrição I was first introduced to this simulation during a NMSI training. I love the simulation and will definitely use it again when teaching natural selection (which will be great because the kids will already be familiar with it!), however I wanted to find a way to adapt it to focus more on population growth. This activity was created as an "Explore" activity at the beginning of a unit on Population Ecology to align with the NGSS standards HS-LS-2-1 and HS-LS-2-2.
Assunto Biologia
Nível Ensino Secundário
Tipo Laboratório
Respostas Incluídas Não
Idioma English
Palavras Chave biodiversity, exponential growth, limiting factors, population, variation
Simulações Natural Selection

Autores Victoria De Finis
Escola / Organização Newark Collegiate Academy
Submetido 30-07-2014
Atualizado 30-07-2014