Vector Addition Experiment

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Tytuł Vector Addition Experiment
Opis At the end of this experiment, students are expected to be able to differentiate between scalar and vector quantities, as well as recognize and identify various examples of both types. In addtion, they should be able to carry out vector addition using the two main methods (graphically and analytically).
Przedmiot Fizyka
Poziom Licencjat – wprowadzenie
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Czas trwania 60 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Addition, Analiyically, Componant, Direction, Graph, Graphically, Magnitude, Scalar, Vector
Symulacja(e) Dodawanie wektorów (HTML5)

Autorzy Aisha Alowais
Szkoła / Organizacja University of Sharjah
Data przesłania 20-11-20
Data zaktualizowana 20-11-20