Discovering Acids and Bases

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Tytuł Discovering Acids and Bases
Opis This investigation prompts students to predict, experiment and discover acids and bases using the simulation's virtual pH scale. Students are asked to predict which substances in the simulation are acids and bases, and test their hypotheses by measuring each substance's pH level. Students will compare acids and bases in order to determine characteristics that may deem a substance either an acid or a base. Children develop meaning to key terms, and apply their knowledge acquired from their data to an extension activity that explores dilution and its effect on pH levels.
Przedmiot Chemia, Fizyka
Poziom K-5
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana
Czas trwania 60 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe acid, base, neutral, pH level, pH scale
Symulacja(e) Skala pH: podstawy (HTML5)

Autorzy Jacalyn Fiechter
Szkoła / Organizacja Hunter College
Data przesłania 18-04-04
Data zaktualizowana 18-04-04