Comparing Functions: Function Sleuthing to Find Rules Złota gwiazdka oznacza wysokiej jakości działania oparte na dociekaniach, które są zgodne z wytycznymi projektowymi PhET.

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Tytuł Comparing Functions: Function Sleuthing to Find Rules
Opis This should take place after a good amount of exploration of the multiple representations of functions (graphs, tables, rules, explicit & recursive sentences) but before the abstraction of writing an algebraic linear rule has been mastered. Students should be familiar with comparing growth rates (including increasing and decreasing trends) as well as initial values of different linear functions. Content Objectives: Students will use a table or graph to construct an equivalent function rule. Students will be able to compare two functions represented graphically and numerically in tables. Students will use their own words to complete the sentence frames (below) to describe the growth of two functions: Recursive: To find the next output, use the output before and ________. Explicit: To find each output, use the input and ________.
Przedmiot Matematyka
Poziom Gimnazjum, Liceum
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana
Czas trwania 90 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe algebra, equation, explicit, graph, pattern, recursive, rule, slope, table
Symulacja(e) Tworzenie funkcji (HTML5)

Autorzy Cary Hoste
Szkoła / Organizacja Casey Middle School
Data przesłania 17-04-06
Data zaktualizowana 17-06-06