Conservation of Energy - conceptual

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Tytuł Conservation of Energy - conceptual
Opis A very conceptual overview of the conservation of energy and transfer of kinetic and potential energy. Most appropriate for an introductory physical science class, middle school or 9th grade science class. I borrowed part of the worksheet from another contributer, Chris Bires, simply because the qeustions are so good. Items that I have added were to look at energy disipated by friction or a collision when the skater falls.
Przedmiot Fizyka, Inne
Poziom Gimnazjum, Liceum
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Conservation, Energy, Kinetic, Potential, Skate Park
Symulacja(e) Energia w Skate Parku: wstęp

Autorzy Paul Broberg
Szkoła / Organizacja Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN
Data przesłania 12-04-17
Data zaktualizowana 12-04-17