Projectile Motion Lab #2

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Tytuł Projectile Motion Lab #2
Opis Highly successful lab for our population, allowing students to explore concepts of projectile motion with respect to horizontal and vertical components of velocity and acceleration acting on one, gravity, or both, air resistence. Somewhat prescriptive but adaptable for other populations. Our school has multi-level science classes where all students are on an accelerated track to take high school science and math by 8th grade. Title 1 school, 53% FARMS, 13% ESOL, 11% SPED ~60% of students from multi-lingual homes. Actually took longer than 120 minutes for many of our students.
Przedmiot Fizyka, Matematyka
Poziom Gimnazjum
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Czas trwania 120 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe gravity, horizontal, vector, velocity, vertical
Symulacja(e) Rzuty

Autorzy Chris Cochran
Szkoła / Organizacja Montgomery County Public Schools
Data przesłania 07-08-08
Data zaktualizowana 08-12-09