Introduction to Electrostatics Złota gwiazdka oznacza wysokiej jakości działania oparte na dociekaniach, które są zgodne z wytycznymi projektowymi PhET.

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Tytuł Introduction to Electrostatics
Opis I do this lesson on the first day of our electostatics unit. Learning Goals: i) Explain how what it means for something to be positively or negatively charged; ii) Explain what "net charge" means and how to find it; iii) Explain ways in which something can become charged; iv) Explain movement of objects based on your understanding of electrostatic force The thing I like the best about this lesson is that it provides a great opportunity for differentiation. Almost all students have had some electrostatics background, and therefore have something to add in the "know" column of their notes. However, even those that tell me that they already know everything about this unit quickly discover that they still have a lot to learn.
Przedmiot Chemia, Fizyka
Poziom Gimnazjum, Liceum
Rodzaj Laboratorium
Czas trwania 60 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe Circuits, Electricity
Symulacja(e) Balony i pole elektrostatyczne (HTML5), Balony i statyczne pole elektryczne

Autorzy Karen King
Szkoła / Organizacja Denver School of Science and Technology
Data przesłania 07-05-06
Data zaktualizowana 15-05-27