Investigation of Refraction of light

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Pavadinimas Investigation of Refraction of light
Aprašymas in this activity, students learn about how light interacts with materials of different optical density. light bends as it enters a material of different density and this phenomenon is called refraction of light calculated by comparing the incident angle with the angle of refraction. Also, comparing the initial speed of light with the speed of light in the second material gives the same value.
Tema Fizika
Lygis Gimnazija
Tipas Guided Activity
Trukmė 30 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai bending, light
Simuliacija(-os) Bending Light

Autorius (-ai) Habofanoe Sehole
Mokykla / Organizacija Cenez High school
Pateikimo data 22.5.25
Data atnaujinta 22.5.25