Investigating Gravitational Interactions

Siekdami leisti vartotojams įkelti Notebook failus, mes bendradarbiaujame su PocketLab. Notebooks leis Jums sujungti visas gyvas simuliacijos kopijas į veiklą.

Pavadinimas Investigating Gravitational Interactions
Aprašymas This lesson uses PocketLab Notebook software to deliver lessons to students with the simulation embedded. Students will be able to: Model gravity and planetary orbits with the analogy of a two dimensional sheet of fabric warped by weights or balls to represent the effect of mass and gravity in space . Gather qualitative data that gravitational forces depend on the mass of the objects and are always attractive. Compare modelled orbit to a simulated orbit using PhET. Construct and Present Arguments around the affect of mass on gravitational forces using evidence from the models.
Tema Astronomija, Fizika, Gamtos Mokslai
Lygis Progimnazija
Tipas Guided Activity, Lab, Namų Darbai, Nuotolinis mokymasis
Trukmė 90 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Taip
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai gravity, notebook, orbits, pocketlab
Simuliacija(-os) Gravitacijos ir orbitos (HTML5), Gravity and Orbits

Autorius (-ai) PocketLab
Mokykla / Organizacija PocketLab
Pateikimo data 21.6.22
Data atnaujinta 21.6.22