Electric Field and Potential Lab

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Pavadinimas Electric Field and Potential Lab
Aprašymas Designed during spring 2020 to supplement online learning using an online lab format, this activity guides students through a lab about electric fields and electric potential. At the end, there's a graphing component that asks students to calculate Coulomb's constant using the slope. The material was helped by using pieces of other submissions.
Tema Fizika
Lygis Bakalauras - įžanga, Gimnazija
Tipas Lab, Namų Darbai
Trukmė 120 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai charge, field, potential
Simuliacija(-os) Krūviai ir laukai (HTML5)

Autorius (-ai) David Waters
Mokykla / Organizacija St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Pateikimo data 20.4.14
Data atnaujinta 20.4.14