Chemistry - Introduction to Coulomb's Law

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Pavadinimas Chemistry - Introduction to Coulomb's Law
Aprašymas An alternative to direct instruction in getting students to understand how sign of charge, magnitude, and distance between particles relates to the amount of electrostatic forces between charged particles.
Tema Chemija
Lygis Gimnazija
Tipas Guided Activity
Trukmė 30 minutės
Įtraukti Atsakymai Ne
Kalba Anglų
Raktažodžiai AP, AP Chem, Chemistry, Coulomb
Simuliacija(-os) Coulomb's Law (HTML5)

Autorius (-ai) Jessica Youmans
Mokykla / Organizacija Sammamish High School
Pateikimo data 19.9.16
Data atnaujinta 19.9.16