Ohm's Law

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سه‌ردێر Ohm's Law
Description This activity guideline is prepared, keeping the curriculum of Indian students in mind. It'll be useful for the Indian students of 9th-10th grades.
Subject فیزیا
ئاست High School
Type تاقیگه‌
Duration 60 خوله‌ک
Answers Included نا
زوان Hindi
Keywords Ohm law, Resistance
شێوه‌کاریه‌کان یاسای ئۆم (HTML5)

نووسه‌ران SK Gupta, Chaithra Navada, Sanjana Acharya, Vaibhav Gupta
قوتابخانه‌/ ڕێکخراو Athene Science (https://www.athenescience.org)
ناردراو 12/4/18
به‌ڕۆژ بوه‌ 12/4/18