Balancing Chemical Equations HTML5 Una gold star indica attività di elevata qualità basate su indagini che seguono le linee guida progettuali di PhET.

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Titolo Balancing Chemical Equations HTML5
Descrizione In this investigation, students are introduced to balancing chemical equations. Students are introduced to balancing three equations on the introduction tab while constructing their understanding using a "balancing beam" and "bar graph" to display the Law of Conservation of Mass in a chemical reaction. Students then play the game function completing all three levels. A short exit ticket is provided that could help guide teacher's further instruction.
Disciplina Chimica
Livello Scuola superiore
Tipo Lab
Durata 60 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave balancing, chemical equations, chemical reaction
Simulazioni Bilanciamento di reazioni chimiche (HTML5)

Autori Elyse Zimmer
Scuola / Organizzazione Educator
Proposto il 18/08/15
Aggiornato il 20/08/15