Greased Lightning

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Titolo Greased Lightning
Descrizione Purpose: To determine the likelihood of getting a "carpet shock" (based on controllable variables), and to avoid or produce such shocks under a series of challenging conditions. NOTE: Due to changes in the scientific model applied to the new HTML5 version of the sim, some of the exercises in "Greased Lightning" will not work in that version. I strongly recommend using the "classic" Java applet version of John Travoltage for "Greased Lightning". Classroom teachers using school email addresses can obtain the answer key. Send your request for "Greased Lightning Answer Key" to [email protected].
Disciplina Fisica
Livello Scuola superiore, Università - I livello
Tipo Compiti a casa, Lab
Durata 30 minuti
Risposte incluse No
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave Conceptual Physics Tech Lab, conduction, electrostatics, phyz, triboelectricity
Simulazioni John TraVolt

Autori Dean Baird, Paul G. Hewitt
Scuola / Organizzazione Rio Americano High School
Proposto il 16/05/10
Aggiornato il 19/10/14