Curve Fitting: How well does the curve describe the data? (Inquiry Based) Una gold star indica attività di elevata qualità basate su indagini che seguono le linee guida progettuali di PhET.

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Titolo Curve Fitting: How well does the curve describe the data? (Inquiry Based)
Descrizione This activity could be used in any course where students are asked to understand how well a curve describes a set of data. These are a few of the Learning Goals: Students will be able to: Explain how the range, uncertainty and number of data points affect correlation coefficient and Chi squared; Describe how correlation coefficient and chi squared can be used to indicate how well a curve describes the data relationship; Apply understanding of Curve Fitting to designing experiments
Disciplina Chimica, Fisica, Matematica
Livello Scuola superiore, Università - I livello
Tipo Lab
Durata 60 minuti
Risposte incluse Si
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave chi squared, correlation coefficient, data, phet activity, regression
Simulazioni Curve Fitting (HTML5)

Autori Trish Loeblein, Mike Dubson
Scuola / Organizzazione PhET
Proposto il 18/07/08
Aggiornato il 11/11/19