Greenhouse Gas Lab A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Cím Greenhouse Gas Lab
Leírás Guided inquiry activity which scaffolds students' thinking about the greenhouse effect. This lab requires students to analyze the behavior of infrared light and sunlight with and without greenhouse gases present. At the end of the activity, students write a scientific explanation/ prediction of "what would the effect on surface temperature be if greenhouse gases continued to increase beyond 2020 levels? " © 2023 Logan Whitley. Some rights reserved. Work may be shared, adapted, and reproduced but for non-commercial use only.
Tárgy Földtudomány
Szint Középiskola alap, Középiskola emelt
Típus Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity, Labor
Időigény 90 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Absorb, Celsius, Emit, Greenhouse Gases, Infrared, Light, Photon, Ray, Reflect, Sunlight, Temperature, ppb, ppm
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Szerző(k) Logan Whitley
Iskola / Szervezet Bullard-Havens THS
Közreadás 2023.04.27.
Frissítés 2024.06.10.