Adding Vectors Visually and Mathematically - Intro

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Cím Adding Vectors Visually and Mathematically - Intro
Leírás Using only right-angle vectors, students learn how to represent vectors and vector sums graphically and mathematically. This is not a very open inquiry lab; it's designed more to help students make the connections between the pictures and the numbers. A follow-up activity could be more open and start including sums of vectors that aren't at right angles to each other.
Tárgy Fizika, Matematika
Szint BSc kezdő, Középiskola emelt
Típus Guided Activity, Labor, Remote Learning
Időigény 60 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak components, projectiles, resultant, vectors
Szimulációk Vektorösszeadás (HTML5)

Szerző(k) Jeremy smith
Iskola / Szervezet Hereford High School
Közreadás 2020.08.05.
Frissítés 2020.10.02.