Forces in 1 Dimension

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Cím Forces in 1 Dimension
Leírás Uses Newton's Second Law, emphasizing graphical analysis, free-body diagrams, net force, and static friction. Adapted from Sarah Stanhope's 1/27/11 lab, "Forces in 1 and 2 Dimensions".
Időigény 60 perc
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Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak 2nd law, Acceleration, F=ma, F = ma, Free-body, Friction, Frictionless, Graphical Analysis, Net Force, Newton's, Newtons, Normal force, Position, Prediction, Sarah Stanhope, Static, Time, Velocity, diagram, free body, graph, graphing motion, second law, weight
Szimulációk Erők 1 dimenzióban

Szerző(k) Adam Miller
Iskola / Szervezet Western Michigan University
Közreadás 2013.10.16.
Frissítés 2013.10.16.