Introduction to Fourier Analysis

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Cím Introduction to Fourier Analysis
Leírás This activity is designed to help students gain a qualitative intuitive understanding of Fourier Analysis. It was developed to be used in a sophomore level modern physics course, after lecture instruction on atomic models. a sophomore level modern physics course. For more details about the course, please see: It is not as inquiry based as the guidelines recommend because the course requires computer grading, so the questions are very directed.
Tárgy Fizika, Matematika
Szint BSc haladó, BSc kezdő
Típus Házi feladat
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Advanced Math, math, phet activity, sine, superposition, wave
Szimulációk Fourier: Making Waves (HTML5), Fourier: hullám-LEGO

Szerző(k) Sam McKagan, Kathy Perkins and Carl Wieman
Iskola / Szervezet University of Colorado
Közreadás 2006.07.23.
Frissítés 2021.10.13.