Projectile Motion

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Otsikko Projectile Motion
Kuvaus The students will use the simulation to learn the goals through an inquiry approach. Learning Goal: Students will be able to: Predict how varying initial conditions effect a projectile path, Use reasoning to explain the predictions, Explain projectile motion terms in their own words, and Describe why using the simulation is a good method for studying projectiles.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Yliopisto - aloittelija
Tyyppi Kotitehtävä, Laboratoriokoe, Muu
Kesto 60 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Ei
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Motion, air, projectile
Simulaatiot Projectile Motion (HTML5), Projectile Motion

Tekijät zeyad mohammed
Koulu / organisaatio University Of Sharjah (UOS)
Lähetetty 26.11.2020
Päivitetty 26.11.2020