Sound: An Introduction (Inquiry Based) A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Otsikko Sound: An Introduction (Inquiry Based)
Kuvaus The students will use the simulation to learn the goals through an inquiry approach. Learning Goals: Students will be able to: Explain how different sounds are modeled, described, and produced; Design ways to determine the speed, frequency, period and wavelength of a sound wave model. I have included some concept questions suitable for clickers and a lab that I use in conjunction with the simulation with Labpro equipment.
Aihe Fysiikka
Taso Lukio, Yliopisto - aloittelija
Tyyppi Laboratoriokoe
Kesto 30 minuuttia
Vastaukset mukana Kyllä
Kieli Englanti
Avainsanat Sound, Waves, amplitude, frequency, math, phet activity, pitch
Simulaatiot Ääniaallot (HTML5), Ääni

Tekijät Trish Loeblein
Koulu / organisaatio PhET CU Boulder
Lähetetty 19.1.2006
Päivitetty 29.5.2024