States of Matter Lecture Demonstration A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Pealkiri States of Matter Lecture Demonstration
Kirjeldus This Interactive Lecture Demonstration has the following goals. Students will be able to: (1) Identify the familiar states of matter using atomic and molecular pictures; (2) Interpret the unusual properties of water using atomic and molecular pictures; (3) Predict how varying the temperature changes the behavior of the atoms or molecules.
Õppeaine Keemia
Tase Keskkool, Üliõpilane - Sissejuhatus
Tüüp Demonstratsioon
Kestus 30 minutit
Koos vastustega Jah
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad States of matter, density, evaporation, phases and phase changes, physical change, temperature
Simulatsioonid States of Matter (HTML5), Aine olekud: põhiline

Autorid Robert Parson, Trish Loeblein
Kool / Organisatsioon PhET
Sisestatud 4.11.14
Uuendatud 28.12.16