Build an Ion Inquiry Activity

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Pealkiri Build an Ion Inquiry Activity
Kirjeldus Students will build ions and explore how differently charged ions can be made. By the end of this activity, students will be able to draw diagrams of electron structure using Bohr's model, and determine the number of electrons needed to create positive and negative ions of an element. Before this activity, students have already learned how to draw diagrams of atomic structure, the 3 subatomic particles of the atom, their charges and masses.
Õppeaine Keemia
Tase Keskkool, Põhikool
Tüüp Kodutöö, Praktikum, Sisulised küsimused
Kestus 60 minutit
Koos vastustega Jah
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad atom structure electrons orbits energy levels ion charge
Simulatsioonid Ehita aatom

Autorid Paul Broberg
Kool / Organisatsioon Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN
Sisestatud 13.11.12
Uuendatud 13.11.12