Charges and Charged Objects Investigation

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Naslov Charges and Charged Objects Investigation
Opis Introductory activity for mid to lower level high school physics for charging and charged object interaction. Some light math at the end that can be dropped for lower levels. Several key charging terms are defined in the reading section. Lower levels will require more time.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo High School (Viša škola)
Tip Guided Activity, Lab
Trajanje 30 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi attraction, charge, charging, polarization, repulsion
Simulacije Baloni i statički elektricitet (HTML5), Džontra, dakle, Volta (HTML5)

Autori: Steve Banasiak
Škola / Organizacija Homewood-Flossmoor HighSchool
Poslato 1/5/19
Obnovljeno 3/8/19