Wave Interference- Waves (Sound and Light)

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Назва Wave Interference- Waves (Sound and Light)
Апісанне This activity is designed for the middle school level or as an introductory to waves, sound, and light. Students will examine the parts to a wave and discover the meaning of amplitude and frequency. Students will explore the waves generated by sound and the particle movement involved in sound production. Students will explore the waves of light and discover the differences between colors on the visible light spectrum. This activity can be easily modified to highlight the phenomena associated with waves, sound, and light and be a launching point for NGSS learning activities supporting MS-PS3 Energy and MS-PS4 Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer.
Суб'ект Навукі аб Зямлі, Фізіка
Узровень Сярэдняя школа
Тып Іншае, Кіруемая актыўнасць
Працягласць 60 мінутаў
Уключаны адказы Не
Мова Англійская
Ключавыя словы energy, light, sound, wave, waves
Сімулятары Wave Interference (HTML5)

Аўтар(ы) Lonny Villalobos, M.Ed.
Школа/Арганізацыя Edward Harris Jr. Middle School, EGUSD
Дата прадстаўлення 30.4.19
Дата абнаўлення 30.4.19