ideal gas. gas law. clapeyron equation. state functions ilə uyğun gələn 610 axtarış nəticələri
- Batareya-rezistor dövrəsi
- Buger-Lambert-Ber qanunu laboratoriyası (HTML5)
- Diffuziya (HTML5)
- Dövrə yığım dəsti: dəyişən cərəyan (HTML5)
- Dövrə yığım dəsti: dəyişən cərəyan- virtual laboratoriya (HTML5)
- Dövrə yığım dəsti: Sabit cərəyan (HTML5)
- Dövrə yığım dəsti: Sabit cərəyan- virtual laboratoriya (HTML5)
- Düz xəttin qrafikinin qurulması (HTML5)
- Faradey qanunu (HTML5)
- Faradey təcrübəsi
- Funksiya yaradıcısı (HTML5)
- Funksiya yaradıcısı: Təməl biliklər (HTML5)
- Furye sıraları: Dalğa yaratmaq (HTML5)
- Hava balonu və statik elektrik yükləri (HTML5)
- Huk qanunu (HTML5)
- İstixana Effekti (HTML5)
- İşığın sınması (HTML5)
- Kepler Qanunları (HTML5)
- Kimyəvi tənliklərin balanslaşdırılması (HTML5)
- Kulon qanunu (HTML5)
- Kütlələr və yaylar (HTML5)
- Kütlələr və yaylar: Əsasları (HTML5)
- Kvadratik funksiyanın qrafikinin qurulması (HTML5)
- Maddənin aqreqat halları (HTML5)
- Maddənin aqreqat halları: Əsasları (HTML5)
- Mütənasiblik əmsalı-Y oxu ilə kəsişmə qrafikinin qurulması (HTML5)
- Naqilin müqaviməti (HTML5)
- Om qanunu (HTML5)
- Plinko Ehtimalı (HTML5)
- Qara cisim şüalanması (HTML5)
- Qazlara Giriş (HTML5)
- Qazların xassələri (HTML5)
- Qravitasiya qüvvəsi laboratoriyası (HTML5)
- Qravitasiya qüvvəsi laboratoriyası: Əsaslar (HTML5)
- Qüvvələr və hərəkət (HTML5)
- Reagentlər (reaktivlər), Məhsullar və Qalıqlar (HTML5)
- Sürtünmə (HTML5)
- Toqquşma Laboratoriyası (HTML5)
- Triqonometriya (HTML5)
- Tənlik tədqiqatçısı (HTML5)
- Tənlik tədqiqatçısı: İki dəyişən (HTML5)
- Tənlik tədqiqatçısı: Təməl biliklər (HTML5)
- Vektorların toplanılması: Tənliklər (HTML5)
- Yüklər və elektrik sahəsi (HTML5)
- Ən kiçik kvadratlar üsulu (HTML5)
- Generator (HTML5)
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Balloons & Buoyancy
- Quantum Bound States
- Conductivity
- Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps
- Electric Field Hockey
- Equation Grapher
- Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab (HTML5)
- Fourier: Making Waves
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Models of the Hydrogen Atom
- Masses & Springs
- Normal Modes
- Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
- Resonance
- Reversible Reactions
- Stern-Gerlach Experiment
- Torque
- Graphing Activity using Gas Properties Simulation
- What Factors Influence the Rate of a Reaction?
- Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
- Gas Properties Gas Laws Quantitative
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties in html5
- Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School
- Gas Laws
- Gas Law Inquiry Lesson
- Pressure vs Temperature for Ideal Gases
- Diffusion ILD
- Ideal Gas Law Activity
- Boyle's Law
- Gas Investigation for Middle School
- Properties of representations of linear functions
- Combination Gas Law- Student Inquiry Activity
- Gas Properties
- Gas Law
- Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Curves
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Exploring Gas Laws
- Introduction to the Gas Laws using PhET simulations
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Charles' law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law
- Defining Functions
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
- Gas Properties and Balloons & Buoyancy Simulations Homework
- Pressure, Volume, Temperature=Combined Gas Law
- The gas laws
- Equation Grapher: Sketching Linear and Parabolic Graphs (Inquiry Based)
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Guided Manual-Worksheet of ideal gas
- Gases Understanding physical properties of gases (Inquiry Based)
- Abbreviated Gas Laws Worksheet
- Introduction to the gas laws
- Gas Properties/Buoyancy
- Gas laws simulation lab
- Charles's Law Lab
- Tricky Dimensions – a Spin-off of a Sim
- Gas Properties
- Boyle's Law Lab
- Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Virtual Lab Activity on Gas Properties
- Balloons and Buoyancy : How do gases in different containers behave in gases fluids?
- Super Basic Gas Law
- Kinetic Theory of Gases Lecture Demo
- The Relationship between the Volume of a Gas and its Pressure - Boyle's Law
- Comparing Functions: Function Sleuthing to Find Rules
- Exploration of KMT and Gas Laws
- Chemistry Theater
- Gas Laws Exploration
- Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
- Gas Simulation Remote Instruction
- Gas Properties Acitvity
- Gas Properties Phet Simulation worksheet (AP Physics 2)
- Relating Gas Properties Foldable
- Gas Properties
- Charles' Law Lab and Gay-Lussac's Law Lab
- Kinetic Molecular Theory- Introduction (inquiry-based)
- Describing Functions
- Kinetic Molecular theory review
- Balloons and Bouyancy: An Introduction to Bouyancy - (Inquiry Based)
- Esercitazione sui gas: pressione e leggi
- Lab: Gas Laws Simulation
- Equation Grapher: Stretch Armstrong
- Gas Behavior
- EXplosión de gas
- Greenhouse Gas Lab
- Student Guide for PhET - Gas Properties html5 - Word to Google doc friendly
- Introduction to Gas Variables
- Graham's Law of Effusion
- The x and y's of Gas Properties
- Non è un cambiamento... e una crisi
- States of Matter
- Gas Relationships and Buoyancy
- Partner...Demo...Diagram with Jamboard
- Video: Self-paced learning on Boyle's Law
- Gas Properties
- States of Matter for Middle School
- Concept Questions for Chemistry using PhET
- Deriving Gas Properties
- Coulomb Law Remote Lab
- Quadratic Functions for Projectile Motion
- Application of The First Law of Thermodynamics
- Funky Functions
- Gas Properties Simulation
- De fasen van een stof
- Quick PhET Gas Inquiry
- Molecules and Light-inquiry for high school
- States of Matter
- Phases of Matter
- States of Matter - Solid,Liquid,Gas
- Inflando y Desinflando
- Beer's Law Lab - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Ispitivanje gasnih zakona pomocu PhET simulacije
- Climate Change - The Gas Phase
- Bohr's Model of the Hydrogen Atom
- How Strong is this Bond?
- Eksperimen Boyle dan Gay-Lussac
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- Entropy, Microstates, and Probability - Interactive Lecture Demonstration Guide
- Linear and Quadratic Functions: analysis using graphing
- True or False? 1st grade
- States Lab
- Exploring Converging Lenses
- Beer's Law Warm-Up
- Propiedades de los gases usando simulaciones
- Coulomb's Law Data Collection and Analysis (remote online learning)
- Explorando gases
- Defining Functions
- Newton's Gravitation Law
- Using the Gases Intro PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Gas Laws and the Variable Changes Associated with Them
- Kinematic Equation Activity
- It is not a change... it is a crisis
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- Function Builder
- Wave Representations (Inquiry Based)
- Qazın Xassələri
- 기체의 설질 SIM 사용지침서
- Qaz qanunları
- Qazların Xassələri
- estudo dos Gases
- Simulador, Propriedades do Gás
- Gaasi omaduste meedialabori juhend
- Heat Intro
- Transformação Isobárica (Lei de Gay-Lussac)
- Transformação Isotérmica (Lei de Boyle)
- Verificação das leis dos gases ideais
- Transformações gasosas
- Effusion
- Hooke's Law (Hands-on & PhET)
- Climate Change - Gas
- Greenhouse Gas Exploration
- Alguna vez ¿se te ha escapado un gas?
- FREE Auto-Graded PhET Activities on Quizizz
- Equation Grapher: Transformations of graphs
- Ohm's Law
- Investigation of a Solution’s Color (Qualitative and Quantitative) - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Gli stati della materia
- Guía de trabajo Descubre las leyes de los gases.
- Launching Pumpkins - Solving Quadratic Functions
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- Constructing Functions
- Writing an Equation for the Wave
- Electric Field Hockey Using Coulomb's Law
- Parabolas on the Move!
- Gaslove
- GRANDEURS THERMODYNAMIQUES : Du macroscopique au microscopique
- Properties of Air
- Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Staes of Matter Exploration
- Kinetic Molecular Theory Intro
- Greenhouse gases - sense making by observing photons
- Using the Radioactive Dating simulations
- Ranking Specific Heat Capacities
- Lens Equation Experiment using Excel
- Slope-Intercept Lesson and Activity Sheet
- Point-Slope Lesson and Activity Sheet
- Hooke's law
- Balancing Chemical Equations -ILD
- Hook's law
- Flexible Quadratics
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- Cuadernillo PhET La materia y sus interacciones 2023
- Blackbody Radiation and Wien's Law
- Exploring Linear Functions
- Discovering Newton's Second Law
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Induction (high school version) (Inquiry Based)
- States of Matter Modeling
- Undersøgelse til Stoftilstande Basis
- Estados de la Materia
- Investigating Ions
- States of Matter Matrix
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps: Lab Simulation
- Greenhouse Gases and Their Effect on Earth's Climate
- States of Matter PhET
- Balloons & Buoyancy in Air
- Ohm's Law
- Limiting Reactants
- Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept and Point-Slope Form using “Graphing Lines PhET Simulation”
- Activity in Electricity (Coulomb's Law)
- Newton's Second Law Investigation
- Introducción a los estados de la materia
- Force, Mass, Acceleration
- coulomb's Law
- Ohm's Law
- Ohm's Law Remote Lab
- Moteur en PhET
- Hooke's law
- Hooke's Law inquiry lab
- Coulomb's Law for Chemistry
- Ohm's Law
- Hooke's Law
- Hooke's Law
- Ohm's Law
- fuerzas sobre un resorte
- Energía potencial elástica, fuerzas y ley de Hooke
- Ley de Coulomb
- Experimentando con la Ley de Ohm
- Fenomenos magnéticos
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Ph12 Lab 5F
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Coulomb's Law Lab
- Coulomb law lab
- Coulomb's Law Lab
- Hook's Law
- Balancing Equation
- Balancing equation
- Beer's Law Lab: Introduction to Beer's Law
- Student Guide for PhET - States of Matter in html5
- Hooke's Law
- Hooke's Law and the Spring Constant
- Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
- Beer's Law: An AP Chemistry Activity
- Coulombs Law Activity
- Ohm's Law Graphing Lab
- Hanging Mass
- Exploring How Light Behaves at Boundaries
- Coulumb's Law Activity
- Coulomb's Self Discovery Activity
- Ohm's Law
- Inquiry activity about State of Matter: Basic
- Ohm's Law
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- Ohm's Law Relationships
- Thermal Energy Scientific Inquiry
- Molarity: Quantitative Relationships
- Hooke's law
- Discovering Beer’s Law by a Simulation-based Laboratory
- 2차 방정식 그래프 작성기 SIM 사용설명서
- Uma proposta de estudo de gráficos de equações do segundo grau
- Coeficientes e raízes das Funções do 1° e 2° Grau
- Função Afim
- Virtual Lab - Hooke's Law and Spring Systems
- Plano Cartesiano e Par Ordenado
- Hookes Law
- Temperature and Energy NGSS aligned
- Hooke's Law Lab
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Graphing Quadratics
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Gases y sus magnitudes físicas
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- Concentration - Interactive Lecture Demonstration
- Resistance in a Wire
- Gravity Force Lab : calculations
- Coulomb's law
- Hooke's Law
- Resistance and Ohm's Law Investigation
- PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum
- Kirchhoff's LAw
- Phet Simulation - Gases Intro Worksheet
- Electric field, electric potential and Coulomb's law
- Indagación con la clase entera: Ley de Beer & Lambert
- Projectile Parabolas
- Blackbody spectra: Wien's Law and the Stephan-Boltzmann law
- Lei de Hooke e Força Elástica no "Hooke's Law (HTML5)"
- Exploring Newtons' Second Law
- Undergrad MRI Workshop Activity
- Intro to Ohm's Law
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Ohm's Law
- Hooke's Law of Elasticity Worksheet
- Hooke's Law and The Spring Constant
- Applications of Sinusoidal Functions
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- The Photoelectric Effect and Work Functions
- Transformation of functions (Translation)
- Energy Skate Park-NGSS aligned HS
- Chemistry - Introduction to Coulomb's Law
- Hooke's Law investigation including multi-spring systems and Energy
- The Speed of Particles in the Different States of Matter
- Refraction and Snell's Law Lab
- Function Fun
- De wetten van Kirchhoff
- Sound Virtual Practical Activity
- Verification of Ohm's Law
- Measurements of Density
- Second Law Inquiry PhET Forces and Motion
- Resonance: Upper-division college
- Forces and Motion Lesson
- Newton's Second Law of Motion
- Potential Energy of A Spring (Elastic Potential Energy)
- Temperature and Luminosity of Stars: Wein's Law and the Stephan Boltzmann Law
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- 1ª Lei de Ohm no "Ohm's Law (HTML5)"
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Eksperimen Hukum Faraday
- Basic Electricity: short inquiry activities includes ideas for several sims
- Investigación del color de una solución (cualitativa y cuantitativa) - Actividad de consulta guiada
- De wet van Hooke, flipping the classroom
- Ohm's Law Lab - Virtual
- Modeling Universal Gravitation Activity
- Ohm's Law
- Modeling Paradigm Lab- 2nd Law
- Hooke's Law and Spring Constant with Energy: Regular Level
- Middle School and High School Common Core Alignment Document
- Balancing Chemical Equations - Guided Inquiry Activity
- Using the Coulomb’s Law PhET Simulation: Concept Development for Understanding Electrostatic Forces
- Exploring Chemical Reactions and the Law of Conservation of Mass
- Refraction and Snell's Law
- 2nd Law Simulation Lab
- Online lab - Wien's law
- Newton's Second Law
- Hooke's Law, Spring Constant, and Energy HONORS
- Static Magnetic and Electric unit (Inquiry Based)
- Explorando variables de la electricidad
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- Math in Motion - Tasks
- Concentration: Understanding Molarity
- Atomic Interactions PhET Exploration - with Coulomb's Law application
- Light and Atoms
- Mass Spring Activity
- Experiment to determine relationship between wavelength, frequency and speed
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Snell's law Lab - Inquiry based
- Hooke's Law and Simple Harmonic Motion
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- Discovering Snell's law
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's First Law
- Visible Spectrophotometry of Nickel (II) Chloride
- Momentum Lab
- Up and Down
- Discover a Spring "Stretching Law" (Hooke
- Reflection in a plane surface
- Batteries, Resistance and Current
- Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
- Exploring fractions
- Gene Expression Inquiry activity
- Exploring integers
- Elastic potential energy, work and Hooke’s law.
- Proving Newton's Second Law
- Force and Acceleration
- Intro Lab
- Ohm's Law
- Hooke's LAw
- Kirchhoff's Law
- Forces and Motion with Friction Group Activity
- Hooke's Law (Springs)
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- Equivalent Expression Exploration
- Solving Multi-Step Equations
- Calculating the Acceleration
- Balancing Act
- Induction (college homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Video: Self-paced learning on Newton's Second Law
- Hukum Ohm
- physics is fun
- OHM Kanunu
- Hukum Ohm
- Hooke Yasası ve Yay Sistemleri
- Faradey Qanunu
- Om Qanunu
- Om qanunu
- UNIDAD3 S14 L4 Ley de Ohm
- Wet van Faraday - Google Quiz - guided inquiry
- Lei de Ohm
- Simulações no Ensino - Lei de Ohm
- Atividade Ensino Lei de Ohm
- Atividade Lei de Ohm
- Lei de Ohm
- Pràctica llei d'Ohm
- Coulombgesetz erarbeiten
- energi Potensial Pegas
- Ideas previas
- LKPD Gaya Listrik
- Elastisitas dan Hukum Hooke
- Wet van Coulomb - Google Quiz - guided inquiry
- Ley de Hooke
- La legge di Hooke
- Grandezas Diretamente e Inversamente Proporcionais: utilizando um recurso de eletricidade
- De wet van Ohm
- Interacciones eléctricas
- Inquiry Lab
- Lei de Coulomb
- Introducción a Ley de Faraday. Hoja de Actividades.
- Determinación de la constante eléctrica utilizando la simulación Phet “Ley de Coulomb”
- Električni otpor i Ohmov zakon
- Virtual Lab - Investigating Refraction of Light
- Alineación simulaciones PhET con el Currículo Ecuatoriano - Química - Bachillerato
- Student Worksheet based on Inquiry Newton's Second Law
- Digitaal vraagstuk rond de wet van Hooke
- Introduction to Linear Relationships -7th Grade
- The Ramp Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency
- Universal Gravity-building formula, quantitative with graphing
- Explorando Estados de la Materia
- Video: Self-paced Investigation on Hooke's Law Virtual Lab
- Lesson Plan
- In_Post Class Worksheet, Wave Interference, light, Slits, PhET.
- Discovering Newton's Second Law
- Snell's Law and the Index of Refraction
- Study of law of reflection and refraction
- Electric Field Lab
- Refraction Investigation
- Resistance in a Wire Remote Lab
- Forces and Motion: Finding the Mass of a Car
- BendingLight_Remote_Lab
- Linear Relationships - 7th Grade ASC
- Combination Circuits and Kirchoff's Laws
- Beer의 법칙 사용지침서(User Manual)
- A cor e a composição quantitativa de soluções com iões metálicos
- Determinando la concentración de una muestra por colorimetría
- Resistance in a Wire
- Deduciendo la ley de Beer
- Relationship between electricity and magnetism
- UNIDAD3 S15 L2 Faraday
- De Resistencia y Ley de Ohm
- Basics of Electricity
- Simu-lab: Masses and Springs
- Mass/Spring Activity
- Charges and Fields
- Diffusion Conceptual Lab
- Molarity of Solutions
- Resistivity in a wire
- Internal Resistance
- Charges and Fields
- Net Forces and Newton's Second Law
- Discovering Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Dynamics (Gr11) Unit End Exploration
- Práctica Ley de Hooke
- It’s All in the Shape: II. Discovering the Behavior of Polar Molecules
- projectile motion
- PhET Lesson: Graphing Slope-Intercept
- Black Body Radiation: Seeking Patterns in Data Sets
- Forces and Newton's Laws Review
- Constant Acceleration Motion
- Bending Light Worksheet
- Solar Astronomy
- Vraagstuk rond de wet van Hooke
- Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
- Electric Fields
- Radioactivity
- Refraction of Light
- Determination of Value of Universal Gravitational Constant
- Determination of Value of Universal Gravitational Constant
- Explore Balancing Chemical Equations
- Gravity, Orbits and Kepler's Laws
- Forces in 1 Dimension
- Spring Force, Spring Constant and Elastic Potential Energy
- Unusual cases of oscillation
- Llei de Hooke amb el simulador PhET
- 3 Activities for Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
- Simple Harmonic Motion Virtual Modeling Lab PhET
- Friction on Incline
- Discovering the Photoelectric Effect
- Pendulum Inquiry and Lab Report
- Circuitos Elétricos (Básico) no "Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5)"
- Susunan Pegas
- Simulação virtual para os tipos de eletrização e a relação entre as cargas.
- Serie de actividades para Electrostática: de Electrización, Campos y Fuerzas
- States of Matter - Lab Simulation - student procedures and questions
- Kinematics
- Natural Selection Lab Questions
- Guided Exploration on Lac Operon Function
- Series Circuits
- Series Circuit Simulation
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- AP Physics Gravity Lab
- Electrostatics Simulation lab
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- MYP Physics: Electric Force vs. Distance
- Lunar Lander; Let the Force Be With You
- Energy in a Coil Spring
- Color Vision Phet
- Discovering Series Circuits
- Simple Harmonic Motion & Springs
- Applied Forces and Friction and a Review of Newton's 1st and 2nd Law
- Projectile Motion
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Balancing Chemical Equations HTML5
- 大一物理引導式自我發現 (中文/英文): 能量與動量
- Guided Discovery (Chinese/English) for Freshman University Physics: 3. Energy & Momentum
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Spinometer
- Lunar Lander!
- Understanding Circuits
- Pushing Things Around
- Energy Forms and Changes Lab!
- The "Lifelike" Moving Man: Variation in motion graphs
- Making use of the Sound Simulations
- Turning Forces
- Eletrodinâmica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- Atividades sobre Eletricidade nos OA's do PhET
- Light Emission and Lasers
- Exploring Stars and Blackbodies
- KE and PE with the pendulum, Student
- Heat = Energy Transfer
- Prática 04- Circuitos de corrente contínua
- In/Post-Class Activity, Bending Light, Prisms, PhET
- In/Post-Class Activity, Bending Light, PhET
- Električna struja osmi razred
- Corrente e circuito elétrico
- Preguntas de razonamiento para todas las simulaciones HTML5
- Mecânica (Atividades) nos OA's do PhET
- Universal Gravitation
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chemical Reactions of Alkanes and Alkenes
- Graphical Relationships in Electric Fields
- Exploring Gravitation
- collision in one and two dimensions
- Momentum Lab
- Data Detective
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Activity: Wave on a String
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- Introduction to Forces in 1-D
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy (Lab Report)
- Refraction Lab
- Critical Angle & Total Internal Reflection
- Visualizing Resistance
- Circuit Simulation Lab
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Magnet and Compass
- Spring Simulation - Identifying Variables & Asking Questions
- Reactants, Leftovers and Products
- PhET Inquiry - Bending Light
- Gravitational Force and Orbits
- Resistor Networks: Equivalent Resistance
- reflection refraction and total internal reflection
- NGSS Alignment Doc for Middle School targeted PhET Sims
- Cavendish Lab
- DC Circuit Lab
- PhET Simulations Aligned for AP Physics C