Static Pressure

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Sarlavha Static Pressure
Tavsif This is an easy 2 page intro to fluids for my AP Physics B class. It leads students to explore pressure at depth, Pascal's Principle, hydraulic pistons, and the difference between absolute and gauge pressure. We will have previously discussed density and pressure. AP Physics B students will also need Archimedes' Principle and Fluid Dynamics labs.
Fan Fizika
Daraja Yuqori maktab
Tur Laboratoriya, Uy vazifa
Davomiylik 30 minut
Javoblar Kiritilgan Ha
Til Inglizcha
Kalit so‘zlar fluids, pressure, static
Simulyatsiya(lar) Суюклик Босим ва Оким

Muallif(lar) Ray Smola
Maktab/Tashkilot Heidelberg HS
Topshirilgan sana 12/4/12
Yangilangan sana 12/4/12