Capacitor Lab: Basics: Inquiry into Capacitor Design

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Назва Capacitor Lab: Basics: Inquiry into Capacitor Design
Опис Learning Goals: Students will be able to: ● Identify the variables that affect the capacitance and how each affects the capacitance. ● Determine the relationships between charge, voltage, and stored energy for a capacitor. ● Relate the design of the capacitor system to its ability to store energy. ● Relate the design of the capacitor system to capacitance value with known resistance. ● As per normal lab results/reports – students will show competency in o Practical mastery by: o Follows written procedures o Applies investigative approaches and methods when using instruments and equipment o Safely uses a range of practical equipment and materials o Makes and records observations o Researches, references and reports
Предмет Фізика
Рівень Старші класи, Студенти - початківці
Тип Дистанційне навчання, Діяльність з супроводом, Лабораторні
Тривалість 120 хвилин
Відповіді включені Так
Мова English
Ключові слова capacitor, electricity, enquiry, physics
Симуляції Лабораторія конденсаторів: Основи (HTML5)

Автор(и) Natasha Lucas
Школа/ Організація Bangor University
Створено 08.05.20
Оновлено 08.05.20