Hooke's Law (Springs)

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Назва Hooke's Law (Springs)
Опис Learning Goals Students will be able to explain how the displacement of a spring at rest is related to the mass of the object on the spring (which is called Hooke's Law). Students will be able to use the displacement of a spring at rest to determine the mass of unknown objects. Students will be able to explain how the displacement of a spring at rest is related to the acceleration of gravity of the planet the spring is on. Students will be able to use the displacement of a spring at rest to determine the acceleration of gravity of an unknown planet.
Предмет Фізика
Рівень Старші класи
Тип Лабораторні
Тривалість 120 хвилин
Відповіді включені Ні
Мова English
Ключові слова springs
Симуляції Маси і пружини

Автор(и) Jessica Mullins
Школа/ Організація Conifer High School
Створено 23.03.07
Оновлено 14.04.08