Radioactive Decay A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Názov Radioactive Decay
Popis With this activity, students will be able to determine how the type of nuclear decay affects the number of protons and neutrons, mass number, charge, and isotope present. They will then utilize that knowledge to construct balanced nuclear equations.
Predmet Chémia
Úroveň Stredná škola
Typ Sprievodné aktivity
Trvanie 60 min
Vrátane odpovedí Yes
Jazyk Angličtina
Kľúčové slová nuclear decay, radioactive, radioactivity
Simulácia Stavba jadier (HTML5)

Autor(i) Nancy Salpepi
Škola / Organizácia PhET
Dátum odoslania 1.5.2023
Dátum aktualizácie 17.11.2023