Molecules and Light - Guided Inquiry Activity A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Názov Molecules and Light - Guided Inquiry Activity
Popis This guided-inquiry activity has the following learning goals: Students will be able to, (a) Describe how a set of example molecules interacts with light of varying energy; (b) Identify characteristics of molecules associated with an interaction with light; (c) Construct a set of guidelines that generalize how molecules react with light of varying energy; and (d) Apply these guidelines to predict the reactivity with light for any small molecule
Predmet Chémia
Úroveň Vysoká škola - začínajúci
Typ Sprievodné aktivity
Trvanie 60 min
Vrátane odpovedí Nie
Jazyk Angličtina
Kľúčové slová EM radiation, energy, frequency, light, molecules, rotation, vibration, wavelength
Simulácia Molekuly a žiarenie (HTML5), Molekuly a žiarenie

Autor(i) Alycia M. Palmer
Škola / Organizácia PhET
Dátum odoslania 5.11.2014
Dátum aktualizácie 23.6.2015