Circuit Simulator II

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Titlul Circuit Simulator II
Descriere This is the second of a set of two labs the deals with circuits. In this lab, students solve for the characteristics of a series, parallel and combination circuit with resistances of their choosing. They then check their calculations using this simulator.
Disciplina Fizică
Nivel Gimnaziu, Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Laborator, Temă pentru acasă
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Combination Circuits, Parallel Circuits, Series Circuits
Simulare(i) Trusa de Constructie Circuite (doar DC)

Autor(i) Jordan Pekor
Școală / Organizație Plainview-Old Bethpage JFK High School
Data transmiterii 07.10.2022
Data actualizării 07.10.2022