Hooke's law

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Titlul Hooke's law
Descriere This experiment talked about hooke's law. It explain the relationship between applied force and displacement and how the spring constant influences the displacement. It provide an insight on the significance of Spring constant and what it can suggest about the strength of the spring used.
Disciplina Fizică
Nivel Licențiat - Avansat, Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Laborator, Învățare la distanță
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Hindi
Cuvinte cheie displacement, force, spring constant
Simulare(i) Legea lui Hooke (HTML5)

Autor(i) Namita Rajput
Școală / Organizație Govt. Women's Polytechnic College Jabalpur (MP) India 482001
Data transmiterii 12.01.2022
Data actualizării 12.01.2022