Conservation of Mechanical Energy (Lab Report)

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Titlul Conservation of Mechanical Energy (Lab Report)
Descriere The students will study the law of conservation of mechanical energy. They will collect data for potential and kinetic energy in the absence of non-conservative forces(friction) and then verify the conservation of mechanical energy laws.
Disciplina Fizică
Nivel Licențiat - Avansat, Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Laborator, Temă pentru acasă, Învățare la distanță
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Friction, Lab Report, conservative force, non-conservative force
Simulare(i) Energia în skatepark: Baze teoretice (HTML5)

Autor(i) Ahmed S. Mahil, Dr.Mohammed Mansour
Școală / Organizație university of sharjah
Data transmiterii 14.11.2020
Data actualizării 26.11.2020