Atomic Interactions PhET Exploration - with Coulomb's Law application

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Titlul Atomic Interactions PhET Exploration - with Coulomb's Law application
Descriere In this activity, suitable for AP Chemistry, students will explore bonding and corresponding potential energy diagrams. Guiding questions lead students to consider the relationship between the components of Coulomb's law and what they know about atomic structure to justify the shape of the graph and magnitudes of force arrows.
Disciplina Chimie
Nivel Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Activitate dirijată, Idei pentru discuții, Laborator, Temă pentru acasă, Învățare la distanță
Durata 30 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Coulomb's Law, bond energy, bond length, potential energy diagrams
Simulare(i) Interacțiuni atomice (HTML5)

Autor(i) Nora Walsh
Școală / Organizație Reitz High School
Data transmiterii 30.09.2020
Data actualizării 30.09.2020