Bouncing Off the Walls

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Titlul Bouncing Off the Walls
Descriere Control and observe the behavior of gas particles (atoms or molecules) as modeled in the simulation to investigate properties of gas such as temperature and pressure. Classroom teachers using school email addresses can obtain the answer key. Send your request for "Bouncing Off the Walls Answer Key" to [email protected].
Disciplina Fizică
Nivel Licențiat - Intro, Liceu
Tip Laborator
Durata 60 minute
Răspunsuri incluse Nu
Limba Engleză
Cuvinte cheie Conceptual Physics Tech Lab, Kinetic Theory, Phyz
Simulare(i) Proprietăţile gazului

Autor(i) Dean Baird, Paul G. Hewitt
Școală / Organizație Rio Americano High School
Data transmiterii 09.11.2010
Data actualizării 19.10.2014